Saturday, August 25, 2012

Male Pregnancy Part 2

I get sad. Well, everyone gets sad, it's a human universal. But I get sad, because I see all the page views and I know people read my posts, otherwise I wouldn't have followers. But I always ask for comments, for your input. I think it's important that I hear your voice. You are the person reading my posts and you should decide what you want to read. I don't ask for your comments because I have nothing better to do. I would like to know what else my readers would like to know, what interests them.

But sadly, I get no comments at all, save for the few that I got at the very beginning, but even know it seems that that person has disappeared as well. So instead of having help in deciding what should be talked about next, I decided I will revisit a relatively knew topic I posted that still interests me.

Male Pregnancy~!
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Male Pregnancy
Male Pregnancy (Photo credit: karindalziel)


More specifically, how to incorporate male pregnancy into a role play or a story that you might currently be writing, or one you wish to revise. Below is the link to an ebook I created on this subject. 
The information I give will be very helpful to you and others and hopefully it will give you enough inspiration to be able to create your own story line for how your character(s) can achieve male pregnancy. Enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. At the risk of being smacked... you put way too much thought into male pregnancy! Though it is an interesting concept, and not one I disagree with at all! The question is, is it possible for men to conceive?

    At the moment, no. However, the further we progress in science, the more likely someone (some scientist or another) will find a way! In the meantime, I took a peek at your eBook and it's kind of interesting.

    Woman don't only want men to get pregnant in fantasy - we want them to get pregnant in reality too! Or at least, I would like to see it happen!

    I don't mean this as an insult to women, but if a man were born "deformed," with both male and female parts inside of the body (not the outside of the body), then it would be possible for him to get pregnant by his partner. That would be cool!

    A science or medical experiment, either performed correctly or gone awry, (conducted by Anissina on Gwendal or Gunter - tee hee) could also make it possible for a man to get pregnant by his partner. I really don't see how it couldn't.

    It would be impossible for vampires to reproduce with other vampires and humans because technically speaking, they are undead - not alive, mostly dead. In other words, no eggs, no sperm, or anything else of the sort.

    Mermaids are probably the best way to go because they're fictional (to the extent of our world's multiple databases) and said to possess magical powers. Curses are also possible because they, too, are based on the concept of magic.

    Note: Just my personal thought here, you should do a post about magic, as that is something of interest to me. ^.^ Oh, and you just inspired me too! Yay!

    Hmm.. Adrian Mont. Gee... didn't see that one coming! *rolls eyes* LoL.

    There's much I can say about his stats, but I won't. Just that the pretty dark haired boy who lives inside my head, but couldn't be further from my heart, and I, are happy Adrian's half demon. ^.^

    Just one thing though... In his profile, it's wrote that his birthday is January 17, but when you're talking about him in the paragraph just below that, his birthday is January 15. You also killed off his demon father. Which means you also killed off two other people's father too. Unless it was his original father, but then.. Adrian wouldn't be half demon, would he?

    Sorry I haven't posted here in forever. I don't get that much traffic here, and hang out more on FB than I do anywhere else, so yeah... Sorry. ^^
